

Social Bookmarking Automation Software Blog Comment Software.

Bookmarking Demon 5 is a steal. There are a few other programs like it on the web and even a few services which will Bookmark your URL to 20-100 Social Bookmarking sites for anywhere from $20-$297. Bookmarking Demon will Bookmark all of your website's urls, from every website you own to almost all of the top Social Bookmarking sites on the web, plus an unlimited number of Scuttle, Scuttle Plus, Pligg, and PHPDug Social Bookmarking sites. You get all this and more for a one time Payment of $147. Upgrades are Free!

Bookmarking Demon makes the account creation process easy by allowing you to create an unlimited number of Profiles/ Accounts and then (new in BD 5) will auto verify the emails for you as well. Then Bookmarking Demon allows you to use the meta tags from your websites and automatically retrieves all of your website's urls, up to 100 levels deep in your website, and automatically loads them into Bookmarking Demon with their Title and Tags built from their meta tags. You can Bookmark like this, or you can also use the randomization/ spinner feature to keep from showing duplicate content across the bookmarking sites for added value with the search engines and minimize your chances of getting banned.

Bookmarking Demon also has a built in Proxy server which allows you to load multiple proxies in order to keep from having your own IP address banned by the Social Bookmarking sites.

I have used this software since Version 3 and now at Version 5 I have to say it is such a staple in my normal site promotion and maintenance routine, that half the time I forget about if. The scheduler is one of the best features because after it Spiders my sites and pulls in every URL I own, I then schedule my Bookmarking and just let my computer work at Bookmarking day in and day out via over 100 Profiles I have with a different IP Address used each time it submits. All with an awesome Randomization feature that keeps the Search Engines guessing. What other product does this??? You tell me because I haven't seen it.

Bookmarking Demon Click Here!